
Your Best Sleep Assistant

Find out how our app will help you to sleep better for free

Sleep Schedule

Being consistent reinforces your body's sleep-wake cycle

Restful Environment

Creating an environment that suits your need

Manage Worries

Getting organized, setting priorities and delegating tasks

Sleep is essential. From daily mood and happiness to productivity and long-term health, sleep is fundamental to a life well-lived. Each person's sleep is different. Our sleep improvement program delivers the right information for your unique sleep journey.


"I've been using SleepTight for a month now and have been feeling more rested than ever! Great app and team."


"The best thing about this app - it has given me heaps of advice on what to do to get better sleep. SleepTight has been structuring my sleep time and I've been using the recommendations."

"Since I used this app I've notice a clearer head and more focus. I'm sleeping better and feeling energized when I wake up."
How it works


Nightly Sleeptight provides in-depth analysis of the quality and quantity of your sleep


Set a smart-alarm for waking at the ideal time of your sleep cycle


Provides personalized, science-based advice from the world's top sleep experts


Compares your nightly sleep to an ideal night for people your age and gender

How SleepTight Help You To Sleep Better


Sleeptight reminds you to go to bed at the same time and wakes you up at the same time. Regularity is king and it will actually anchor your sleep and improve both the quantity and the quality of your sleep.


Sleeptight tracks your surrounding temperature and gives you some advices. You will always find it easier in a room that's too cold than too hot. The recommendation is to aim for a bedroom temperature of around about 18 degrees Celsius. It sound cold but cold it must be.


In the last hour before bed, Sleeptight reminds you to stay away from all of those computer screens, tablets and phones, dim down the lights in your house,... We need darkness specifically in the evening to trigger the release of a hormone called melatonin, which helps regulate the healthy timing of your sleep.

Some more tips for you

  • If you've been trying to fall asleep for a period of time, get out of bed and go and do something different. Only return to bed when you're sleepy.
  • Try to stay away from caffeine in the afternoon and in the evening and certainly try not to go to bed to tipsy.
  • Try to do something relaxing before bed. Find out whatever works for you and when you have found it, stick to that routine.
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